I have been working full time recently as my colleague (and Manager) is on paternity leave. Consequently life has been pretty busy. Add to that mix our biggest client having a peak in production and I have been in danger of meeting myself coming back.
Then today, the most random of experience. My mobile rang at work (fortunately we con;t have any draconian nonsense about personal calls, just some good old old fashioned common sense, i/e/ don't take the piss!). So I duly answered the call and found myself talking to a BBC Breakfast Producer (remember my previous incarnation as part of their technology family??).
Anyway, it transpires that there is a campaign to raise awareness about the legal implications of leaving children aged under 16 home on their own.
Obviously, as a serial mother, they thought I may have an opinion on the matter. I mean, me express an opinion - have I ever????!!!!
I am writing this long-hand in my trusty notepad ready to transcribe once I get near a PC - one that works I might add as the home PC is currently dreadfully poorly thanks to the efforts of number one son.
Just realised I am not wearing any earrings. Curses! The ignominy of appearing on live national television without any earrings....... Will I ever live it down????
(Written on the train to Liverpool St 10th July 2008)