Monday, 10 September 2007


Phew, here we are another Monday almost over and boy did I need to get back to work for a rest.

Husband and number 1 son departed 7am Friday for a cricket tour encompassing Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire.

So faced with the prospect of a weekend of housework and keeping the remaining 4 offspring occupied, I decided we would have an adventure of our own. So Saturday we took ourselves North to see some friends and family. Even managed to fit in some retail therapy at one of those outlet villages. Now I know why husband chooses to remain in Norfolk - its to keep me a healthy distance away from such sources of temptation.

Late Sunday afternoon we travelled to the lovely Bakewell to meet up with the intrepid cricketers, who were, by now looking decidedly tired and emotional. Husband is a postie so needed to be at work at 5am so I drove him home, leaving my biggest boy to roll in at gone 2am....

So with all this travelling and a potty training 2 year old, I am shattered.

Daughter decided on Thursday that she'd had enough of nappies and that she was using her potty now. Consequently I find myself saying "do you want your pot" in my sleep, at work to unsuspecting temps and whilst walking down the street to complete strangers. Well, I am sure you will get my drift. Its hard not to become a little obsessed. Totally biased I may be but the daughter is an endearing little thing and when she leaps off her pot, so proud of doing a wee that she gives herself a round of applause, it does make you smile somewhat. I guess its a hazzard of having 4 adoring big brothers that she is used to unquestioning approvable....... Oh dear, I pity the fellow who, in years to come, decides to take her on..........................

Too tired to talk more. Talk soon....................


Swearing Mother said...

"You know that you're a grown up because no one claps when you go to the loo any more" - words said to me by a nostalgic eight year old.

Ah bless.

What a coincidence we should both mention Bakewell in our posts this week! They've got a lot to answer for re their tarts, I can tell you!

ginger witch said...

Nothing like a nice tart

She's like the wind said...

Hey MMOF are you out there!

Swearing Mother said...

MMOF: Where the heck are you?

Swearing Mother said...

MMOF; Getting a bit worried now...

She's like the wind said...

Don't tell us you've given up blogging?

ginger witch said...

Come on, get back to the blog, we're all missing you . . .

ginger witch said...

Come on, get back to the blog, we're all missing you . . .

ginger witch said...

Look, I've even asked you twice.