Wednesday, 6 February 2008


Oh dear, I think I have got myself in trouble. Got sent an email on Monday about the girls from work entering the Race For Life. Sounds a good idea, worthy cause, 5km..... how hard can it be???
Big mistake.
I am at least 3 stone overweight, a former smoker and have done no real exercise for what, 15 years.
Time to panic.......
So husband and I have just been out for a "jog". I use the term extremely loosely. We ran/walked around the block for 10 minutes and by the time we got back I had lost all capacity to breathe and my legs had totally turned to jelly. Am typing this some ten minutes after returning and have just about stopped coughing and normal service has been resumed in the legs.......
What have I let myself in for????
We are going againg Friday, taking the same course to try and up my walk/run ratio.
To quote from The Commitments, one of my favourite films, "it's a start and I'm a great believer in starts"......
Wish me and my lungs luck.


Kim said...

Good luck. It'll do you good!

Gone Back South said...

Hello, like your very pink blog and the way you e-shouted about David Beckham. I completely understand about the awful first 'jog'. The first time I went for a run, I didn't get halfway across the common opposite without stopping. The best thing is to walk first briskly for a few weeks - anytime you feel like it, break into a light trot, then slow back to a walk while you get your breath back. After a while you'll be running more than walking, and feeling great. Don't give up, once you start making progress it's a best feeling. I went on to do marathons! But now I'm totally unfit again so I'm back to gentle walking. Nice to have found you - I've not been blgging for long.

She's like the wind said...

A did the womens 10k a few years ago, quite a few years ago, like you, first time, I made it round the block, I was scarlet, could hardly breath, but we kept at it and we did it, it got easier and our tummies got flatter! Only to re-emerge when we stopped. Best of luck

Suzy said...

You'll be fine.

Ready to swim the English Channel in a triathalon.

Love you


Mid-lifer said...

Good for you! Start slow, one mintue 'jog' one minute walk - you'll slowly build up (this is from someone who has steadfastly avoided the Race for Life!) Good luck - you'll feel good about it in the end!

Maggie May said...

I have left an award for you! Please go to my post!

Manic Mother Of Five said...

Hey Kaycie.... Not sure if I agree with you yet but been twice and am still standing. Will keep you updated.

Gonebacksouth, welcome to my blog and welcome to blogging. Am trying to make sure I keep going - husband is keeping me company so I think I will. Thanks for the encouragement and advice.

Windy you dark horse - I know where to come for tips regarding joggers nipple then! Come on Race for Life in May - bet there's one in Glasgow. I'll race you - me in Norwich, you there and best time gets bragging rights.... Up for it?

Suzy, I love hearing from you.. Love ya right back babe xxx

Mid-lifer, I'm getting there. Thanks for the postive vibes.

Maggie May, why thank you. Fucked if I know what to do now!!!!

Swearing Mother said...

Get yourself a sport's bra MMOF, and you'll do just fine!

Manic Mother Of Five said...

Hello Sweary, be assured sports bras have been purchased, along with vaseline but that's quite another story!

softinthehead said...

I have been in exactly the same spot as you, but I made it to the race. Take it slow to start, it can be tough on the joints. Good luck - keep us posted.

Manic Mother Of Five said...

Indeed I will Softinthehead.... All going ok at the minute, got a few more activities lined up too, which will hopefully keep me interested and motivated.

Anonymous said...

There is a great nought to six week training plan on the reebok site designer for beginners. Let me know if you are interested and I can dig out the link for you.

I bet you something, you won't be three stone overweight again you have done the race :)

Don't forget to post up the link to your sponsorship page on your blog. There is something very inspiring about the first pledges rolling in.

Best of luck and I'm hapy to swap achey feet stories any time.
